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Materias primas tales como (Raw materials such as):
- Hilo de costura (threads)
- No tejidos (non wovens)
- Fieltros, guatas, rellenos y otros (needle felts, wadding, filling and more)
- Papel para trazo (trace paper)
- Papel perforado (perforated paper)
- Plastico overlay (plastic overlay)
- Otros (and more)

Certificaciones (Certifications):
- ISO 9001:2015
- Oeko-Tex Certification to Standard 100
- International Sleep Products Association Member
- Variety of UL Listed Sewing Threads
- Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism

Industria justo a tiempo (Just in time industry - JIT)

Para más información revisa nuestra liga y contáctanos (for more information check out our presentation and contact us)

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